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Week 2: Niners Sparrows 17, Eagle Eyes 19 (Final)

FIELD GOAL EAGLE EYES42-yd field goal – Sparrows 17, Eagle Eyes 19 (QTR4, 0:00)

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Season II: statistics


Total Rushing Passing Poss.
Team Gms YdsTotal yards AvgTotal yards per game TDTotal touchdowns YdsRushing yards AvgRushing yards per game TDRushing touchdowns YdsPassing yards AvgPassing yards per game TDPassing touchdowns AvgTime of possession per game
DIE 6 2424 404.0 25 1095 182.5 16 1329 221.5 9 30:24
MAL 6 2259 376.5 19 1087 181.2 9 1172 195.3 10 29:14
SIL 6 2208 368.0 17 1129 188.2 7 1079 179.8 10 31:28
WAR 6 2201 366.8 18 1119 186.5 11 1082 180.3 7 29:15
DRI 6 2089 348.2 23 1167 194.5 15 922 153.7 8 30:45
BGL 6 1847 307.8 17 965 160.8 3 882 147.0 14 28:42
RED 6 1834 305.7 13 790 131.7 3 1044 174.0 10 34:28
MOL 6 1804 300.7 19 907 151.2 9 897 149.5 10 27:09
KOB 6 1759 293.2 9 990 165.0 5 769 128.2 4 29:39
BEA 6 1664 277.3 14 892 148.7 11 772 128.7 3 29:32
Total 60 20089 167.4 174 10141 84.5 89 9948 82.9 85 30:00


Total Rushing Passing Poss.
Team Gms YdsTotal yards AvgTotal yards per game TDTotal touchdowns YdsRushing yards AvgRushing yards per game TDRushing touchdowns YdsPassing yards AvgPassing yards per game TDPassing touchdowns AvgTime of possession per game
RED 2 900 450.0 8 290 145.0 2 610 305.0 6 32:36
BEA 1 332 332.0 3 232 232.0 2 100 100.0 1 25:06
DRI 2 646 323.0 6 334 167.0 5 312 156.0 1 32:54
DIE 1 283 283.0 2 182 182.0 1 101 101.0 1 23:54
Total 6 2161 180.1 19 1038 86.5 10 1123 93.6 9 30:00