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Week 2
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Live! – QTR3, 1:48

Week 2
Live! – QTR4, 5:12

Week 2
Live! – QTR2, 1:24

Week 2

Niners Sparrows

Team profile | news | schedule | seasonal stats | game stats | head-to-head | team records


Total offense Rushing Passing Poss.
SeasonSeason Gms YdsTotal yards AvgTotal yards per game TDTotal touchdowns YdsRushing yards AvgRushing yards per game TDRushing touchdowns YdsPassing yards AvgPassing yards per game TDPassing touchdowns AvgTime of possession per game
V 6 1937 322.8 18 1117 186.2 14 820 136.7 4 27:35
III 6 1550 258.3 7 881 146.8 4 669 111.5 3 32:01
IV 6 1505 250.8 11 835 139.2 8 670 111.7 3 28:00
VI 1 275 275.0 3 236 236.0 3 39 39.0 0 32:18
Total 19 5267 277.2 39 3069 161.5 29 2198 115.7 10 29:22


Total offense Rushing Passing Poss.
SeasonSeason Gms YdsTotal yards AvgTotal yards per game TDTotal touchdowns YdsRushing yards AvgRushing yards per game TDRushing touchdowns YdsPassing yards AvgPassing yards per game TDPassing touchdowns AvgTime of possession per game
III 1 430 430.0 4 190 190.0 4 240 240.0 0 32:48
IV 1 354 354.0 4 151 151.0 1 203 203.0 3 28:24
Total 2 784 392.0 8 341 170.5 5 443 221.5 3 30:36

Team profile | news | schedule | seasonal stats | game stats | head-to-head | team records