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Cup competitions

QFL Cup Series | cup competitions | all-time cup standings | cup coaches | cup records

QFL Two-Minute Cup

The QFL Two-Minute Cup is a double-elimination tournament open for QFL franchises and independent teams. The matchups of the first qualifying round are determined by open draw while the matchups of the later rounds are determined by a seeding system. Special rules:

  • The games are designed to consist of one possession period in which each offense is awarded two minutes of possession starting from their own 20-yd line (timed like the final two minutes of a fourth quarter).
  • The offense can collect multiple touchdowns during their possession. If the opponent's end zone is reached, the offense will keep possession and return to their own 20-yd line.
  • The offense that has scored more touchdowns is the winner. A tie is broken by the better final field position of the respective possession. If the tie is not broken, there will be another possession period in reverse order.
  • A possession ends: when the game clock has run out without an untimed down coming up; when the defense has the ball at the end of a down; when a turnover on downs occurs; when a ball carrier of either team is stopped in his own end zone.
  • If the defense forces a turnover and runs a return without giving the ball back, the end of the return will be the final field position of the possession. If no return is run, the line-of-scrimmage of the final play will be the final field position of the possession.
  • If a defensive personal foul occurs on a touchdown play, the penalty is enforced from the offense's 20-yd line. If the game clock has run out, the offense may opt for an untimed down from their own 20-yd line instead.
  • Each team has two timeouts per possession available.
  • There will be no kicking plays, no tries-after-touchdown, no kneel-downs, no 10-second runoffs.
  • QB stop-clock may be used as an apparent measure of clock management only.
  • In case the points scored do not match the outcome of a game, the winner will be awarded points to win the game by one point.
  • Otherwise, the QFL rules valid for the current QFL season apply.

Tournament Cup winner Finalist Year
QFL Two-Minute Cup I duffeldoffel's Reds Prussian Warriors 2013

QFL Cup Series | cup competitions | all-time cup standings | cup coaches | cup records